20+ Years Experience

Specialist Heated Flooring Systems


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At Underfloor Heating Installers, we take immense pride in our commitment to delivering exceptional underfloor heating solutions and services. Our dedication to excellence is not only reflected in the quality of our work but also in our certifications and accreditations.

These accolades underscore our unwavering commitment to providing top-notch services that prioritise safety, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Certified ISO 9001: Quality Management

We are proud to hold the ISO 9001 certification, which signifies our commitment to quality management systems. This certification demonstrates our dedication to consistently delivering high-quality underfloor heating installation services.

It reflects our focus on meeting and exceeding customer expectations, maintaining rigorous quality control processes, and continually improving our operations to provide you with the best possible service.

Certified ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management

Our dedication to safety is further reinforced by our ISO 45001 certification, which emphasises our commitment to occupational health and safety management. This certification reflects our dedication to ensuring the well-being of our employees and clients by implementing comprehensive safety measures and continually improving our safety practices.

Why Our Certifications Matter

Our ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certifications are of paramount importance because they:

At Underfloor Heating Installers, our mission is to provide reliable, safe, and efficient underfloor heating solutions. Our certifications reflect our commitment to achieving this mission, and we are dedicated to serving you with the highest level of quality, safety, and professionalism.

We look forward to partnering with you for all your underfloor heating installation needs.

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